You are a particle being shot in a very large and long particle accelerator, avoid traps, kill anti-particles, collect bonus, mind your own polarity has effects.

Due to the nature of the accelerator, there are EM forces in play so expect to wobble. If you touch the floor or ceiling you bounce.

  • WASD - movements
  • Space or LMB to fire
  • F1 - Toggle SFX (or use the option menu)

p.s.: just found a little bug that might happen during the movements of the player, a misspelled variable name in the player's step event. Lesson learned, must stop to add bits of code last second before submissions

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  • WangleLine 🌸

    I started the game and got this error after about 10~ seconds: FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object o_player:

    Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 100005.hspd(100095, -2147483648) at gml_Object_o_player_Step_0

    Other than that, it's odd that the music and sounds are muted by default